When authorities in Hawaii stop you and charge you with driving under the influence, you may face sizable penalties that have the potential to impact you personally, professionally and financially. You may have to spend time behind bars, for example, and you may also have to perform mandatory community service and pay hefty fines, among other repercussions.
You may, too, per Insure.com, see a large increase in the amount of your annual automotive insurance premiums once you start driving again after your conviction.
In Hawaii, a DUI conviction stays on your record permanently, so you should expect to pay an elevated insurance rate for a three year period. How much of an insurance rate hike should you anticipate after a DUI?
If you had a pretty standard driving record before your drunk driving charge, you may have paid about $1,255 each year to insure yourself behind the wheel. Once you have that DUI conviction, though, you could expect to pay closer to about $3,866 annually.
In other words, a Hawaii DUI has the potential to raise your annual insurance premiums by a whopping $2,611 a year. How does this compare on a national level? In most states, drivers with DUIs see their insurance rates rise by an average of 80%. In Hawaii, though, you are looking at an annual rate increase of 208% following a DUI conviction.
You may have limited options for insurance following a DUI, as some insurers may decide not to cover you at all. However, it may serve you well to shop multiple insurance providers if you want to find the best possible rate. However, it may serve you well to shop several insurance providers if you want to find the best possible rate.
The post How much does a Hawaii DUI raise your insurance rates? appeared first on Law Offices of Dean C.M. Hoe.
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